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Numerology: Table of Disadvantages

This table represents the frequency of the letters from one's name and last name according to the numerological table of the corresponding numbers. This table shows the karmic tasks and lessons in life. It is analyzed through name and last name. All the letters are translated into the corresponding number equivalents given in the table. This table finds frequency, i.e. the repetition of the same letters in the name and last name and it registers the number equivalent by using the sign * in the table fields. For example, if a person's name includes the letter A four times and the numerological value of this letter is number 1, then in the field for this number will be written **** in the table. This means that the letter A appears four times in the name and last name.

When * appears in a field once or several times, it means that a person has a karmic task that corresponds to the ordinal number of the field in which the star (*) is. Moreover, if * appears a few times in a field that is better because this person will make better use of his or her energy and potentials in life and the life will therefore be much easier.

The table of disadvantages is only available in the PC version of Numerology 369

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